Online event
21th - 22th October
The event aims to bring togheter professionals, CTO, DevOps engineers and IT managers to exchange ideas and discuss new challenges and goals of the two key IT players: development and operations.
Topics will include Continuous Delivery, Cloud, Microservices, Automation, Testing, Big Data, Containers, Data Center Operating Systems, Software Operability, IT operating models, IT Operations.
Over the day, Kirey Group will intervene as companies accompanying specialist to the processes development and to implementation of DevOps related solutions.
Kirey will illustrate, through concrete success stories, the undertaken way to make able some client companies to DevOps.
This way has turned a strategic choice into technologies and solutions which brings in close collaboration the application development, operations and security.
The benefits for companies have been significant: faster time-to-market (maintaining the quality of what has been developed and the stability of the supply infrastructure) and the automation at every stage.