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Kirey Group faces the challenges of software defined economy

Written by Kirey Group | May 24, 2019 7:06:00 AM

Digital transformation is a continuous process that sees IT as an enabling factor

By Enrico Mingardo, Enterprise Solutions Architect of Kirey Group

Digital transformation is a continuous process that sees IT as an enabling factor, capable of giving life to new business models, and that involves companies of any size, even those with a consolidated leadership that, sooner or later, they face agile and dynamic start-ups.

Digital transformation is a continuous process that sees IT as an enabling factor, capable of giving life to new business models, and that involves companies of any size, even those with a consolidated leadership that, sooner or later, they face agile and dynamic start-ups.

In companies, the distance between business and IT has been greatly reduced; Innovative technological areas such as open source, containerization, DevOps, multi-cloud, automation and, in the future, the “serverless” become fundamental for the success of the company and essential for those who want to create and offer new products ever more quickly and safely and services.

Kirey accompanies companies in this path of evolution, starting from the skills in the management and orchestration of emerging technologies and from a consolidated experience in decades of work in contact with the realities of the Finance sector, to better understand their needs and anticipate their requests. This knowledge has allowed Kirey to consolidate best practices that today makes available to its customers to develop high-tech projects and immediately have an impact on the business.

Compared to the open source scenario, for a long time Kirey has taken the need of customers to move from solutions based on open source technologies that have a dual role on the one hand that “community” or without the support of a vendor and on the other “to subscription ”or with the support of a vendor. Very often the “subscription” version adds some features to the community version that make it the enterprise grade. These vendors, unlike the historical ones, are therefore able to guarantee customers on the one hand the typical speed of open source and on the other the typical support of the enterprise world.

Another area in which Kirey’s commitment is substantial is containerization, a technology that is currently attracting great interest from companies in the finance world.
Knowing how to create lightweight runtime environments that offer scalability, resilience and the ability to abstract and virtualize microservice components from the underlying hardware or cloud service, avoiding being tied to a specific environment, represents a great competitive advantage. The cycle of ideation / production of the new services in this way is greatly shortened and, also from the point of view of safety, the container offers unique guarantees by virtue of the greater and more granular segmentation of the components, thus limiting the surface of attack.
Several of our industry customers have understood this, some of which are defining the guidelines and carrying out concrete projects with us for a 360-degree containerization.

In the software defined economy that will come to emerge, the Devops methodologies, and even more DevSecOps, will allow to reduce more and more the distances that exist between the business needs of supplying new services and their production, but also the complexity will grow of the work necessary to understand the underlying dynamics, in terms of management and orchestration.
From the technological point of view, in fact, DevOps-enabling platforms require the adaptation of the existing to the new technologies, from the lowest part of the infrastructure with data center, SDN and storage up to the complete automation of the servers, to the orchestration and to the container adoption. But the challenge of “software defining everything” involves significant changes not only in terms of infrastructure, but also of business models, relational dynamics and the very culture of the company, which is profoundly affected. In the company, for example, it will be necessary to start a confrontation with new interlocutors: not only will the data center, network and storage managers be involved in the design of the new generation infrastructures, but development teams are increasingly involved software and solution architects.

Another fundamental aspect will be to harmonize the new emerging consumption models linked to the implementation of a container platform, or the reporting of costs on a “pay per use” basis, for example in the cloud world, compared to a traditional budgeting model; aspects with which our customers must constantly confront. Kirey helps them to deal with this growing complexity thanks to a complete vision of the company and its dynamics and offering capabilities that in this field range from application performance management, to monitoring, to log management, up to cloud skills to expand to governance and to managed services.