IoT Insurance Observatory: car insurance of the future for Kirey
The event organized by the IoT Insurance Observatory dedicated to the insurance world is taking plac...
The large-scale launch of generative artificial intelligence and the constant evolution of its poten...
The event organized by the IoT Insurance Observatory dedicated to the insurance world is taking plac...
May 25, 2018 is a date that we will not easily forget: the entry into force of the GDPR, a major cha...
The new trends in analytics focus on faster processing and quality of the result The new trends in a...
The intelligence activity of Kirey Group allows to integrate important information for the cybersecu...
The appointment is on July 4th in Pisa, at the Officine Garibaldi The appointment is with Bridge Con...
Kirey Group participates in the third edition of the Makers University Championship Kirey Group part...
Saturday, June 1, 2019 the merger process between three of the Kirey Group companies was completed. ...
The IT show returns to Milan on June 4th at MiCo with the 14th edition of SAS Forum Milan, which for...
Digital transformation is a continuous process that sees IT as an enabling factor By Enrico Mingardo...
A consolidated appointment with Banks and Security, of which also this year Kirey Group is confirmed...
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