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Alessandra Girardo appointed General Manager Italy of Kirey Group

Kirey Group


    Kirey Group proudly announces the appointment of Alessandra Girardo as General Manager Italy of the Group. This decision marks a decisive step in strengthening the company's leadership and the group's continuous expansion.

    Alessandra Girardo, già Chief Operations Officer di Kirey Group, vanta un’esperienza ventennale nel mercato IT, con un percorso professionale che l’ha vista protagonista nello sviluppo del business, nelle vendite e nel marketing in contesti multinazionali. Laureata in ingegneria gestionale presso il Politecnico di Torino, ha conseguito un master in Business Administration presso la London School of Economics (LSE), per poi completare la sua formazione in Business Leadership presso la INSEAD Business School di Fontainebleau e collaborare come ricercatrice con The Stanford Graduate School of Business.

    Alessandra Girardo, formerly the Chief Operations Officer of Kirey Group, brings twenty years of experience in the IT market, with a career that has seen her play a key role in business development, sales, and marketing in multinational contexts. She graduated in industrial engineering from the Polytechnic University of Turin, earned an MBA from the London School of Economics (LSE), and completed her education in Business Leadership at the INSEAD Business School in Fontainebleau, also collaborating as a researcher with The Stanford Graduate School of Business.

    The new role of General Manager Italy

    During her tenure as COO, Girardo contributed to significant acquisitions in Italy, Spain, and Bulgaria, playing a crucial role in the growth and cohesion of Kirey Group. As General Manager Italy, Girardo will manage the Group, ensuring the execution of strategies defined by the board of directors. Additionally, she will play a primary role in leading research and development (R&D) activities, essential for further strengthening Kirey Group's positioning in guiding clients towards a data-centric strategy.

    "Kirey Group is at the forefront in utilizing data as a strategic asset for business growth. I am excited to lead this company into an era of continuous innovation and advanced technological development," stated Alessandra Girardo. "Our commitment is to transform data into concrete value for our clients, creating solutions that not only meet current needs but anticipate future trends, systematically aggregating diverse technological skills and bringing unique proprietary solutions to the market."

    AG_picture_PR_2024L'impegno in ambito per l'inclusione e il work-life balance

    Girardo has always prioritized employee well-being, promoting flexible work arrangements and inclusion policies. In 2023, she signed the Valore D manifesto, committing to gender balance and inclusive corporate culture, where Kirey Group boasts results above the ICT industry average in terms of the presence of women in the company and managerial roles. In 2023, Girardo also launched the Cyber Rebel project, offering career opportunities in cybersecurity to young people on the autism spectrum, in collaboration with the Cervelli Ribelli Foundation.

    "We aim to continue growing by investing more and more in Data & AI: understanding data and managing it with increasingly advanced technologies is the foundation for building a data-centric strategy, towards which we wish to guide our clients, supporting them at every stage of this journey thanks to our expertise. I am confident that Alessandra's appointment will be fundamental in this direction," says Vittorio Lusvarghi, CEO of Kirey Group. "Alessandra has unparalleled experience in allocating resources and skills to promote innovation in the most interesting technological fields and best support our clients in their digital transformation journey. She has always stood out for her ability to lead people towards new goals, not by directing them, but by winning them over. We are happy to have her with us in her new role as General Manager Italy."

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