Digital accessibility: challenges and opportunities for an inclusive digital world
According to the World Health Organization, 16% of the global population, or 1.3 billion people, liv...
The large-scale launch of generative artificial intelligence and the constant evolution of its poten...
According to the World Health Organization, 16% of the global population, or 1.3 billion people, liv...
With a 20-year career in international and high-innovation environments, the manager will lead the c...
In 2024, many organizations continue to rely on legacy systems to support their critical processes. ...
Financial fraud has existed for centuries and continues to pose aconstant risk to businesses and ind...
While it is no longer news, cloud computing continues to grow. In Italy, the past year saw a 24% inc...
The relationship between AI and cybersecurity has been in the spotlight for many years. As the digit...
From Kirey Group's Turin office to Tanzania, always as a Project Manager. This is the brief synopsis...
In 2024, digital technology permeates every sector of the economy and society. This makes it essenti...
A company can truly call itself data-driven when data, or more precisely, the insights derived from ...
The Picus Red Report 2024 highlights a dramatic 333% increase in malware designed to target and disa...
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