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Carlo Alberto Carnevale Maffè Joins Kirey Group's Board of Directors

Kirey Group


    Kirey Group is pleased to welcome Carlo Alberto Carnevale Maffè as a member of the Board of Directors. He is an Associate Professor of Practice of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at SDA Bocconi School of Management and has been a strategic advisor for major national and international companies in the technology, industrial, and financial sectors.

    Carnevale Maffè has extensive experience as an independent director for various listed companies in the technology and industrial sectors, both in Italy and abroad, and in venture capital and venture-building funds focused on artificial intelligence. He has collaborated with the CEFRIEL research center on innovation projects in digital ecosystems and has been a member of the ABI-Lab steering committee for research activities on innovation in financial services. He also served on the scientific committee of ANIE (National Association of Electrical and Electronic Companies) Confindustria for research projects on "Industry 4.0." Additionally, he was a member of the Italian government's "Data-Driven Unit" for managing the pandemic emergency, in coordination with the European Commission.

    The collaboration with Kirey Group will focus on developing new proposals, strategies, and business models related to data-driven digital transformation and AI, which are core areas for both Kirey Group and Carnevale Maffè's research. His research focuses on four main areas: innovation strategies, new business models, competitive intelligence, servitization, and the circular economy, applied across various industrial sectors, including Technology, Financial Institutions, and Telecommunications. Specifically, he will concentrate on financial innovation within the company, aiming to create new business-oriented propositions to meet the specific demands of this market and to explore new investment opportunities.

    "The contribution of Carnevale Maffè will be an additional stimulus for us to refine our company's mission: to accompany businesses on their journey towards becoming data-driven organizations. Moreover, his appointment represents another step in the development of the competency center dedicated to Artificial Intelligence, inaugurated to better support our clients' needs," says Vittorio Lusvarghi, CEO of Kirey Group. "By combining expertise and a desire for innovation, we are confident that our future together will lead to great results."

    CA_Carnevale_Maffe-1"The European growth project of Kirey is a challenge to which I am happy to contribute my research and experience: Italy and Europe need continental-level players to reaffirm their role in the global digital technology market," says Carnevale Maffè. "It is a privilege for me to support Kirey Group's management in expanding the scope of qualified market presence and in continuously developing a data-centric and AI-focused offering."

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