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Easy Declarator - new SAP solution

Kirey Group


    Easy Declarator -  A SAP solution for managing new Telematic declarations (VAT Settlement and Invoice Data)

    Recent regulations have altered the way tax returns are made to the Revenue Agency as a direct result of the following novelties:

    1. The obligation to submit declarations in the form of 'telematics' (XML information support automatically forwarded or downloaded via the Revenue Agency’s website)
    2. Changing the nature of the information to be declared: you must submit the VAT details of ALL the invoices issued and received
    3. Frequency of communication: forwarding must be executed quarterly

    A change in this scope has provoked and is still causing issues both to taxpayers and to the Revenue Agency, which is forced to extend the deadline for the first Telematic declaration due to various technical problems related to the infrastructure made available to users.

    Being a regulatory update, SAP is required to release the necessary adjustments to meet the tax requirement. However, a 'conditional sine qua non' for the use of the standard solution proposed by SAP requires the constant adaptation of the SAP system installed to the various 'patches' (SAP 'support package' language) that the Mother House releases around every 3 months.

    It is common for SAP customers to avoid these installation of the 'service package', as this may cause disruption to the functioning of a stable model implemented by years. This is true especially in the case of a not very well done implementation, with frequent and unpublished changes to the standard sw (changes that the 'service package' installation could overwrite if not handled with care).

    The solution: Evolution Prox

    Conscious of the above mentioned problem in the world of 'installed SAP', we designed a SAP enhancement called 'Easy Declarator' in view of the consolidation of the Legislation at the beginning of 2017.

    It is a product of very simple configuration and installation that enables, in 1 day, the SAP customer to extract the data for both the VAT Declarator (LI) and the Easy Declarator (DF) in a format compatible with the provisions of the Revenue Agency.

    The product, along with Easy Invoice which manages electronic billing for PA, is part of a small SAP enhancement suitedevoted to the electronic administration of tax documents, a topic that we consider to be of central importance especially in view of new updates in the sector (B2B electronic invoicing).

    To date, the product has already been sold to a number customers, including the De Agostini Group, which uses it for the presentation of the statement of 15 different companies.

    Evolution Prox is a Kirey Group company focused on enterprise process management through the implementation and maintenance of SAP applications.

    Centralising its efforts on the basic SAP suite (SAP ERP ECC 6.0, a time SAP R / 3), Evolution Prox has more than 20 years of implementation experience in the industry, especially working with the medium-sized and large multinational customers.

    With over 20 SAP first implementation projects mainly in the fields of: discrete production (metalwork, electrical / electronics, etc.), engineering to order (machinery, construction, etc.), process manufacturing (chemical & pharma), Evolution Prox is active today in three distinct market segments:

    • providing large-scale specialist services that use SAP to manage their multinational business (Ferrero, Gavio Group, etc.)
    • AM services and evolution projects for companies in the directly-managed SME segment (Tecnokar, Gatti precorvi, Farmsuisse, Axitea, ITT, Eredi Scabini, etc.)
    • providing resources to multinational third parties active in the SAP world (Accenture, KPMG, Deloitte, etc.)

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