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KG Plastic Free

Kirey Group



    According to Lester Brown, Founder of the World Watch Institute, disposable products were invented after the Second World War for their practicality, as an incentive to work and as a means of promoting economic growth.

    It was believed that more jobs would be paid to more goods produced and disposed of. What made the disposable so popular is its practicality, but today the throwaway economy is on a collision course with the limits of our planet.

    Until a few years ago, the quantity of objects thrown away after a few seconds of use was ignored and above all the implications of this habit.
    Today the issue of reducing our environmental impact has never been so important; also Kirey Group, sensitive to the issue of the reduction of plastic, is the spokesperson for the change, committing itself to concrete sustainability actions and adopting a strict policy on non-reusable objects and containers.

    On this reflection, we have chosen to develop the 2020 R-Innovability calendar, using within it a gallery of the splendid works of the English Jane Perkins, one of the most famous artists in the world for her works made with waste materials that she uses, indeed reuses, each object transforming it with a personal and artistic interpretation.

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