Sanctions for violation of privacy even in times of pandemic
In recent weeks, the Italian Data Protection Authority has sanctioned a hospital company and the sup...
The large-scale launch of generative artificial intelligence and the constant evolution of its poten...
In recent weeks, the Italian Data Protection Authority has sanctioned a hospital company and the sup...
Kirey Group is sponsor of the eighth edition of Incontro DevOps Italia: one of the largest Italian a...
Michela Sessi, Data Scientist of Kirey Group, will be speaker at the next GDG DevFest 2020, which wi...
Bridge Consulting | Kirey Group takes part to the Oracle’s webinar “From Oracle Exadata to Autonomou...
Kirey Group has officially become Tufin Partner of the Year for the Southern Europe region. An impor...
The digital transformation process traditionally takes steps and takes years to complete. The pandem...
There is a cloud-wide challenge between Amazon and Google. AWS, the cloud of Jeff Bezos that alone i...
Digital Workforce improves production, ensures continuous operation, performs complex tasks and redu...
The health emergency has accelerated digitalisation, rewriting the rules of competition between comp...
The world of banking and finance will be increasingly digital Fintech is a decisive accelerator to e...
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